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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Rural Retreat revitalization effort gets started

Rural Retreat:
“Rural Retreat kicked off its Downtown Revitalization project Tuesday with a presentation by economic revitalization specialist Hilary Greenberg who told residents that if they want their project to be successful, they must have a clear vision of what they want downtown to be and who they want to attract. In addition, community leaders must maintain their focus and not get sidetracked by projects that will inevitably pop up that are not within that vision.

‘You can’t do everything,’ she said. ‘You have to be careful and don’t lose focus.’ Greenberg, owner of Greenberg Development Services in Charlotte, N.C., works with towns with populations under 10,000. She said other keys to success are keeping the bar high, knowing who you are, building strong partnerships, being well organized, focusing on domino projects and not single projects, and not copying other downtowns.”
~Writes Millie Rothrock of SWVA Today

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