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Thursday, May 8, 2014

County to evaluate agritourism policies

Nelson County:
“In the past decade, the Virginia General Assembly has passed several pieces of legislation that create a more lax environment for agritourism businesses — such as wineries and breweries — in terms of zoning and building regulations. In the same time frame, the agritourism industry has grown throughout the state, including in Nelson County.

Now, in response to such bills, Nelson County staff is in the preliminary phase of drafting proposed amendments to the Nelson County Code that will re-evaluate existing policies in agriculture zones. The proposals are slated to be presented to the Nelson County Board of Supervisors at their May 13 meeting. The proposed amendments are aimed to establish ‘updated zoning policies that respond to the growth and operations of the agritourism industry, and to provide a framework for establishing consistent and efficient land-use decisions,’ said Nelson County Planning & Zoning Director Tim Padalino.

He said in an email Monday that ordinance amendments typically only affect applications submitted after the amendments are enacted and would not affect existing businesses or projects, but ‘that important detail will have to be addressed by the board of supervisors.’”
~Writes Katherine Lacaze of the Nelson County Times

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