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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

House Agriculture Committee: Breweries and Ag Zones

General Assembly:
“A key focus during the second half of the session will be SB 430, which has been assigned to House Agriculture Committee. The bill takes away local land use authority by allowing breweries in agricultural zones to operate as a by-right use. The bill utilizes language that exists in current Code provisions related to farm wineries, allowing yet-to-be defined “usual and customary” activities at such breweries unless the activity causes substantial impact on the health, safety or welfare of the public. It limits application of local zoning ordinances to farm breweries in a manner similar to farm wineries, but goes further by limiting local restrictions on parking and access.  minimum parking, road access or road upgrade requirements for these new breweries if they are on land zoned agricultural, unless there is a substantial impact.”

~Writes David Blount, TJPDC Legislative Liaison

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