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Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Clinch River Valley Initiative

Southwest Virginia:
“The Clinch River Valley Initiative (CRVI) is a pioneering effort to build local economies in the coalfields of Southwest Virginia, focusing on the Clinch River Valley—one of the most biodiverse river systems in North America. Working at a watershed scale with several local partners, this collaborative grassroots effort has developed significant momentum with applicability for communities in Appalachia and beyond.

Utilizing a consensus-based approach, project partners are articulating and prioritizing goals for connecting downtown revitalization, outdoor recreation, water quality, entrepreneurship and environmental education along the Clinch River, and have developed an action plan to realize the prioritized goals (which may be found on the CRVI website). Strategies are being identified to connect downtown revitalization with outdoor recreation along the Clinch River Valley. Utilizing a regional planning approach, the project connects to cultural and natural heritage efforts including Heartwood: Southwest Virginia’s Artisan Gateway, ‘Round the Mountain, Crooked Road, and other artisan networks and local efforts. Finally, the effort builds upon the unique cultural and ecological assets of the Clinch River to distinguish and create new possibilities in the communities along the Clinch as distinctive cultural and ecological areas, particularly around environmental education and entrepreneurship opportunities.”
~ Christine Gyovai, Clinch River Valley Initiative

Click here to learn more

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