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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Berryville Nixes Chickens In Town

Town of Berryville:
“Following a rare tie vote Tuesday night, the Town Council will not continue work on an ordinance that would have allowed Berryville residents to keep from four to eight chickens in backyard coops. After a report by council member Mary Daniel on the wording of a proposed ordinance to regulate egg-laying hens, Mayor Wilson Kirby asked for a vote on whether to continue ‘moving forward’ with the ordinance.

Kirby said he had talked to many residents, and all were uniformly against allowing their neighbors to keep chickens. Under the ordinance, the number of chickens would have been regulated by the size of residential lots. Town Manager Keith Dalton said it appeared that only a few lots could have more than the minimum of four hens and the largest flock could only be eight. Roosters would have been forbidden to limit noise.

Kirby said he was concerned about the expected $1,000 expense to advertise the new ordinance and have it vetted by town attorney Robert Mitchell. ‘I haven’t met one person who is in favor of chickens in Berryville,’ Kirby said. ‘Everybody is against it.’ Several of the newer subdivisions in town, governed by homeowners associations, bar chickens by covenants.”
~ Writes Val Van Meter of The Winchester Star

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