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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fauquier landowners protect another 1,140 acres

Fauquier County
“Fauquier County landowners placed 1,140 acres in conservation easements last year. That brings the total conserved land in Fauquier to approximately 97,748 acres — almost one-quarter of the county, according to the Warrenton-based Piedmont Environmental Council’s annual tally.

‘Fauquier County has long been a leader in recognizing the importance of protecting its natural, scenic and cultural resources,’ PEC Land Conservation Officer Maggi MacQuilliam said. ‘It’s also important that while Fauquier is a statewide leader in land conservation, the conservation done here is complementary to the service districts which are planned for development and will allow our community to grow and thrive well into the future.’”
~Writes Fauquier Now

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